On 17th October, drop in at B&D Studios and play a game of 100 Things (there is a delicious prize for anyone who can’t take part), have a cup of tea and a chat with Andrew Wilson about using all sorts of personal mobile technology in the arts and social sector, and in all sorts of contexts from mental health to Augmented Reality games for family groups.
We are having a showcase called A Cup of Attaya at B&D Studios in Newcastle, as part of the 2013 Northern Design Festival (this year’s theme is Create:Digital).
During ten days (from 10-19 October), we will inhabit the space of B&D Studios, redecorate it with interactive installations, demos of work-in-progress, and have a chill-out salon area where we’ll welcome visitors with a nice cup of West-African Attaya tea and traditional Swedish cookies (Why, you ask? Because they’re tasty! Yum yum yum).
Remember Shift, the internship programme for young creative we’re involved in? There was an open day the other day at Studio Precept the other day, and Attaya took part in it.
Lalya will soon start taking part in Shift, an internship programme for young creatives. She will be one of the expert mentors advising the interns and will be giving regular workshops about design for digital interactions in 3D physical space in general, and urban interaction design in particular.
Want to know more about it? Come to the Shift Live No.1 launch party for the programme, at Hoults Yard in Byker, Newcastle, on Thursday 28th March!
Want to hear some exciting talks about design in the North East of England? Come to Design Network North‘s Rise & Design event, Pecha Kucha-style! This Friday morning, Northern Design Centre in Gateshead (next door to Gateshead College).
We’ll be there reminiscing about the good ol’ days of black and white Atari screens and presenting some of our on-going projects at Attaya. We are however not currently in a position to reveal whether or not there will be any tap-dancing or ukuleles involved.