Archive Cut-N-Pasting
Client / Newcastle City Library / Newcastle upon Tyne / 2015
This free event which took place at Newcastle City Library on 11th July 2015, invited visitors of all ages to create and share augmented paper stories by cut-n-pasting content from the Newcastle Library archive, using both digital tools and scissors, pen and glue. It consisted of a structured workshop in the morning and a drop-in in the afternoon.
The following week, people’s work was displayed throughout the library through QR code: people could access the archive cut-n-pastes that participants had made by using their a phone with a QR code reader app (free to download), and pointing at the symbol with it.
The cut-n-pastes are still available at the City Library’s Commons Are Forever Flickr album and through the QR codes below.
Commons are Forever #CmnsR4ever
This event is part of the Commons are Forever series developed by Newcastle Libraries with support from the Carnegie UK Trust, which aims to empower participants about our rights to use creative works that are free of copyright, e.g. in the public domain, and to in turn share what we create with others.